What The Architect Says

What the Architect Says… about Mud Rooms

Mud Rooms rarely take top billing on my clients’ list of priorities for the design of their new dream home. Perhaps the name lacks panache, but it could very well be one of the more important rooms in a new home. It doesn’t matter if you’re building in Colorado or Texas; you need a Mud Room.

Why? Here’s why; First, roughly 80% of people building new homes in the US will most likely enter and exit their home through some type of Garage, six or seven times per day, and that’s per person. It’s nice to have a place to drop those keys, purses, groceries, the kids’ schoolwork and then kick your shoes off.

Secondly, Mud Rooms aren’t grunge rooms anymore. They can be just as attractive as any other room in the house. I love seeing a unique bench with a beautiful piece of art hanging above it that reminds me I’m home. I have arrived!

Pull out bins, and cubbies that hold gloves and scarves, tucked up under a live edge, wood countertop that holds books, bulky backpacks and satchels are all details that are incredibly fun to bring to the design table as functional necessities. Not to mention the signature wall mount coat rack you’ll choose for everyday jackets & sweaters.

In new construction, a Mud Room should be located adjacent to the entrance from the Garage. It’s nice if the location can also be easily accessed from the Front Door as well. In this case the Mud Room doubles as a place for guests to put down their stuff, and my guests bring a lot of stuff. In this scenario, it allows the Front Entry to remain uncluttered and I adore an uncluttered entry.

Mud Rooms can occupy a relatively small amount of space, but there should be enough open space in the center in order to give folks, what I love to call ‘twirling room’. That’s room to spin around while you take off this, deposit that, and then make a final spin, with a smile on your face, as you head to the Kitchen.

A walk-in closet within the Mud Room area is highly encouraged if you have the space. It will handle a variety of items above and beyond coats, hats gloves and boots, like vacuum cleaners and other odd shaped items that don’t seem to have a good place to hang out anywhere else.

Don’t forget the Mud Room!

Cheryl Tolleson
Architect + Designer